Welcome to the Gent Genealogy Page

Most of us know little about our origins.

When younger, I thought that there were very few families in the world named GENT. Visiting new cities invariably involved checking telephone directories to confirm this belief. If further proof was required, strangers pronounced my surname incorrectly, and anyone hearing the name wrote JENT. 

My parents brought our family from England in 1966. Only a couple of the generation born in Canada have visited the 'old country', and they would be hard pressed to name a great-grandparent, let alone more distant relatives in the United Kingdom.

It is this lack of knowledge I have tried to address - initially with annual newsletters and then with a documented family history. My own interest in genealogy was kindled in 1973 when my paternal grandmother passed away; after my sons were born I was committed to the hobby.

Research from Canada is made easier by the ever-increasing number of databases and indexes accessible via the Internet. Some of my favourite genealogical websites can be connected to via the following links:

Joining family history societies can be useful. Not only do quarterly journals (the cost of which is included in the modest annual dues) publish articles and advertisements, but they provide a forum for contacting other researchers. Membership in a handful of societies benefited me greatly; their websites are listed here:

Certain historical events resonate with me, resulting in a desire to learn more. While these events may not have directly impacted my own family I still find them fascinating.

There is the tragic story of the British "Home Children". Between 1870-1948, one hundred and fifteen thousand children were sent to Canada by over 50 British child care organisations. These 4-15 year old children were emigrated (deported) to work as indentured farm labourers until they were 18 years old. Many of them were sent to Canada without parental knowledge or consent. As many as 50,000 of the British Home Children were mistreated and suffered child abuse and neglect. Take a look at British Home Children.

Another passion of mine is World War I. The Great War website is a treasure trove for anyone who shares this interest.


It's 2024...do you know where your great-grandparents are?


Please contact the site owner with comments or questions:

Lesley Gent, Ontario, Canada
email: lmgmay1955atgmaildotcom

Copyright ©2000, Lesley Gent

Site last modified -- Friday, 5 January 2024


This site respects living relatives by not posting their personal details online.


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